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A dog with its tongue hanging out

Routine Veterinary Visits Are The Essence To Lifelong Health

A playing kitten

Annual visits to your veterinarian are the best approach to securing the health, happiness, and longevity of your pet.

With early medical intervention, your veterinarian can detect conditions and diseases at their earliest stages, and find the best treatment option, as well as advise on the proper nutrition and lifestyle changes needed for your furry friend to reach optimal health.

Establishing Good Health

At Animal Hospital of West Woodstock, we believe that to establish the health of your pet, veterinary care should begin in the earliest stages of life. Our vets recommend a full examination of your puppy or kitten by 6-8 weeks of age to ensure that no medical concerns are getting in the way of the proper health and development.

During this time, veterinarians usually administer a series of vaccines (every 4 weeks) that aid in protecting your young animal from infectious diseases. Puppies and kittens are easy targets for illness because they have not yet established a strong immune system. Vaccination provides the best shield against sickness during your pet's first years.

A jumping dog

Preventive Care For Adults and Seniors

Pets have specific needs based on their age. Puppies and kittens need to visit the vet often in the first few months of life. Adult pets need one wellness visit annually for optimal health. Senior pets (age 7 and older) should visit the vet twice a year so the doctor can find any potential age-related health issues early. During a wellness visit, our vets perform a complete head-to-toe examination to set a heath baseline and to determine any abnormalities. We also offer preventative care screenings that include CBC, chemistry analysis, and urinalysis for junior pets aged 1- 6 years old and CBC, extended chemistry analysis, urinalysis and thyroid screenings for our geriatric pets aged 7 and older at a discounted price compared to the cost if we wait until they are sick.

Additionally, we screen for heartworm disease, tick-borne diseases and intestinal parasites during wellness exams. We offer a variety of options for monthly heartworm, flea, and tick preventatives including convenient 6 and 12 month injectable products for heartworms eliminating the need for oral administration to those picky and hard to medicate pets and relieving you of the guilt and burden associated with trying to remember (and forgetting!) their monthly preventatives!

Your pet’s health depends on preventive care. Call us today at (770) 924-8847 so we can help secure a happy and healthy future for your pet. You can also conveniently schedule an appointment here.